In the world we live in today, our body has to constantly cope with:
- Additives
- Chemicals
- Flavoring
- Herbicide
- Pesticides
- Pollution
- Sweeteners
A detox diet is not enough to improve your health. The best thing you can do is to start improving your normal diet, but a detoxification diet like this will definitely boost your health.
The First Day

That means almost everything that comes in a package or in a box, and anything containing:
- Additives
- Flavoring
- Oils
- Sugar
- Sweeteners
Did you know that SLS is a detergent used in the cleaning industry? It irritates the skin and gets absorbed into your body where it does long-term damage if used often. So for your personal care products, stop using them and go out and buy natural alternatives.
When you go out and buy a better shampoo, make sure you read the label and look what's in it. If you can't pronounce it, you probably should not use it. The simpler the shampoo is the better.
The Second Day

Are you wondering what you should eat now that you've eliminated all of your foods?
No problem! Today we start adding the healthy stuff. And I am mainly talking about fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds. You can eat and buy as much fruit and vegetables as you want.
You can eat the fruits as they are or you can get creative and make fruit salads, smoothies, purées or whatever wets your taste buds.
As for the vegetables, you can make vegetable broths, freshly squeezed juices or just eat them raw in a salad with some nuts.
Don't go overboard with the nuts. Limit yourself to around two handfuls of nuts per day, otherwise you will be getting too much fat in your diet and this will tax your digestive system.
Buy all your produce fresh, raw and organic if possible. If you live in an area where organic produce is not available then buy the next best thing.
Avoid canned, frozen and packaged products at all costs, these are highly processed and are not particularly healthy.
And if you want to, you can eat potatoes, rice and quinoa, but try to keep those to a minimum.
The Third Day

When you eat a large amount of fruit you get a lot of water, because fruits are packed with water and the water is very clean and healthy.
Nonetheless, I recommend that you drink half you bodyweight in ounces every day. So if you're 150 pounds, you should drink at least 75 ounces of pure water. Water is very important in because it helps transport the toxins out of your system.
Keep experimenting with different fruits and vegetables. Even if you do not like some vegetables, eat them anyway, I dare you! :)
The Fourth Day

If you do not have a juicer then considering buying one. If you feel like you don't need a juicer then carry onward without the juices, no problem!
I want you to replace two of your meals with freshly squeezed juices. You can blend any fruits and vegetables that you like. Try not to skip the vegetables. They can taste bad, but they are vital for your body!
The Fifth Day

Today you'll be on cruise control eating your fruits, veggies, nuts and seeds alongside your two daily juices.
More can be found from the link here
Colette Morris
If you would like a consultation call or email
Tel. 213 261 4233 (usa)
0208 816 7045 (uk)