- Did you know you need Vitamin D to be able to absorb Calcium in the body? So make sure that any supplements you take that contain Calcium have also got Vitamin D,if not you will need to buy this seperately.
- Calcium interferes with the effectiveness of iron and thyroid tablets therefore Calcium should not be taken at the same time. People who need these medications should take them at a different time of day.
- Vitamin D is really important for our bone health alongside calcium. Vitamin D can be found in sunshine too :) Our body stores this vitamin and activates it when necessary.
- Adults need about 1000mg of Calcium per day as the recommended dose, however women with low estrogen may need 1200 to 1500mg.
- Calcium is important for maintaining overall good health. It plays a critical role in nerve transmission, heart function, blood-pressure regulation, blood clotting and other body processes, in addition to its bone-building benefits.
- High Fibre foods can interfere with Calcium absorption so its best to take your calcium supplements at a different time of the day. Breakfast cereals are normally high in fibres!
- Caffeine drains calcium from the body, and as Calcium is mainly held in the bones and teeth this could have an affect in these areas, therefore limit your caffeine intake
- ½ cup of fresh or frozen pureed berries: strawberries, raspberries or blueberries
- 2 tablespoons orange juice concentrate and ½ teaspoon vanilla extract
- ¼ teaspoon of vanilla, almond, amaretto or maple extract
- 1 pureed banana with ½ teaspoon honey
- ½ cup of cranberry juice cocktail and a small scoop of low-fat vanilla ice cream
- 1 tablespoon creamy peanut butter and 2 tablespoons chocolate syrup

Retail Price: £13.50 inc VAT if applicable
Our Price: £12.15
You Save: £1.35 (10%)
SKU: 0020
Retail Price: £13.50 inc VAT if applicable
Our Price: £12.15
You Save: £1.35 (10%)
SKU: 0020
Contains the most concentrated form of Calcium available in a tablet.
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Colette Morris SAC Dipl. (Diet &Nutrition)
Herbalife Shop - http://healthyweightloss.herbalcoach.com/
Colette Morris is a qualified Nutritionist and Herbalife Independent Distributor so if you want advice on your diet for weight loss, weight gain or sports nutrition, email LondonFitGirlsClub@gmail.com or simply click on the tab here to join our program.
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