It has been clinically proven that Herbalife nutritional shakes can aid weight loss if instructions are followed. Dr David Heber Md, Ph.D, F.A.C.P, F.A.C.N heads up the Herbalife Nutritional Advisory Board and has worked in the nutritional industry for a number of years.
It has been proven that nutritional shakes with additional protein can aid weight loss if they replace one or two traditional meals. The idea being that a nutritional shake has less calories than a regular meal, but contains all the nutrients and vitamins needed and can be absorbed and digested more effectively as it is in liquid format.
Protein is an important component of the make up of our cells. Protein is used by the body to build and repair tissue, it is present in your hair and nails and we also use protein to make enzymes, hormones and other chemicals in the body. Protein is an important feature of muscles, skin and cartillage and is a macronutrient. Our body is not able to store protein, therefore we need alot of it.
You do not have to eat a lot of protein to get the benefits, but you are able to eat better quality protein instead of just animal protein, there is a lot of protein in fruit and vegetables as well as fish.
Adding protein in a powder format is probably more effective than eating lots of meat. Protein also inhibits the urge for carbohydrates, therefore stops the craving for cakes and sweet things. I have personally found if you have enough protein in your diet, you also find you do not eat much bread if any but that's my personal finding.
Formulated with an excellent balance of macro and micro nutrients, Formula 1 has been scientifically proven to be an effective way to control and manage weight when combined with a healthy active lifestyle.
Key Benefits• Calorie restricted: contains less than 220 calories per shake to make it easy to manage daily calorie intake.
• Contains a balanced combination of soy protein and plant based carbohydrates that can help you feel fuller for longer and sustain your energy levels as part of a weight management or healthy nutrition programme.
• Contains soy: The inclusion of at least 25 grams of soy protein a day as part of a diet low in saturated fat can help you maintain healthy blood cholesterol levels.
• Contains soy protein which can help build and maintain lean muscle mass as part of a fitness programme.
• Contains high levels of essential vitamins and minerals to help you reach your Recommended Daily Allowance.
• Available in 6 flavours: smooth fruity options, plain vanilla, sweet chocolate or crunchy cookies & cream. The choice is yours!
• Optimise the taste by adding in your favourite fruits.
WHY DO YOU NEED IT?When trying to lose or manage your weight, it’s important to maintain a nutritionally balanced diet. A healthy meal like
Herbalife Formula 1 keeps your calorie intake down to avoid putting on extra weight, while also providing essential vitamins and minerals, long lasting carbohydrate and protein for sustained energy and satiety.
Tropical Fruit#0142
Cookies & CreamCheck out the LA Shape Diet which Dr David Heber wrote, it is based on using Herbalife Nutritional Shakes and has a great meal plan and recipes that you can follow.
Colette Morris SAC Dipl. (Diet &Nutrition)
LFGC Founder
Herbalife Shop - Colette Morris is a qualified Nutritionist and Herbalife Independent Distributor so if you want advice on your diet for weight loss, weight gain or sports nutrition, email or simply click on the tab here to join our program.