Monday 8 August 2011

Don't Let The Scales Weigh You Down

So many of you have said to me over the last few weeks, I don't seem to be losing any weight, I've dieted, exercised eaten hardly anything and the weight is still not coming off on my scales.

My answer to that is not to worry about scales. Yeah sure you want to know your scales are working, so invest in some digital scales. I've attached some here for you so you can get this right away from amazon.

Now we have the scales problem out of the way, let's look at some reasons why you may not be losing weight.  Are you drinking enough water? You may not realise it but water is essential for everyone, our bodies are made of 90% water. Water also helps to breakdown fat, and is also great for cleansing the toxins from our blood and body.

Some of us retain water,and as funny as it seems adding more water to your diet helps to release more water.  Check out my recent blog post on what foods are good for water retention

SO my advise to you is to forget about the scales while you are on  a weight loss plan, think more about the food you are putting into your mouth, the portion sizes and the calories you are ingesting, because you need to use up double the amount of calories you eat if you want to see results.

More importantly inch loss is so much more visible and if your losing inches, then the fat is coming off. Remember if you exercise using weights when you are trying to lose weight not only will you begin to shape up quicker, you will also gain muscle which is fat heavier than fat, which most times when you jump on the scale you will see your weight go up not down!
Muscle however is equally important because it burns fat in the body.  Of course you don't want to be bulking up like Miss Universe but light weights do help with any weight loss routine.

Your turn to talk, if you have any issues with your diet or weight loss plan, leave me a comment below and I will answer your questions....


Colette Morris  SAC Dipl. (Diet &Nutrition)
LFGC Founder
Herbalife Shop -
Colette Morris is a qualified Nutritionist and Herbalife Independent Distributor so if you want advice on your diet for weight loss, weight gain or sports nutrition, email  or simply click on the tab here  to join our program. 

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