Sunday 23 October 2011

Fwd: Day 4 Detox - useful advice

Day Four of our Detox
It's going great so far, we've gone through the pain barrier so it wasn't too bad this time. By drinking lots of water to make sure that you're hydrated and also cutting out a lot of processed foods flour, bread, pasta, rice has reduced the bloating feeling.

So yesterday day three I know I didn't put a blog post up.   Some of you have come back to me saying that you are feeling tired exhausted this is normal on a detox and its because your body is getting rid of all the toxins and because you haven't got the artificial inflators such as caffeine running through your body to keep you alive or alert.
By drinking lots of green tea and eating regular meals spaced out to every two hours this will help to keep your energy levels balanced.

You should also be ensuring that you do light exercise nothing too heavy because obviously you are detoxing and it will be too much of a strain on the body.

Tomorrow is the final day of detox. However, this does not mean that you go back to ordinary eating you have to take your time to introduce the food groups that you took away slowly. We will go through this later in later blog posts

Colette Morris  SAC Dipl. (Diet &Nutrition)
LFGC Founder
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