Thursday 8 March 2012

**** GUEST POST**** Working Out Builds Health in Body and Love

Today we are really excited to announce a guest blog post today from Tonya Vrba an accomplished writer who writes about health, career and dating issues. 

Working Out Builds Health in Body and Love

Have you ever tried to start a work out routine or eat healthier, only to have your efforts sabotaged by your partner? 

They may not intentionally do it, but they’re not on a health kick. Why should they give up the chips? 

Perhaps you have been on the other end of things, with your partner spending all this time working out when they could be cuddling with you at a movie. 

Whichever position you are in, you should seriously think about working out together. If health isn’t enough to motivate you, then let your relationship be the motivation. Studies show working out is a great bonding activity for couples.

Sex: Let’s get the obvious out of the way. You and your partner are both fit, healthy and flexible. In the gym you watch each other sweat from the effort of flexing muscles. With all that’s going on in the world, it may be best you conserve water and take a shower together.

Companionship: Having a cheerleader by your side at the gym is invaluable. Knowing that your partner is waiting for you at the gym instead of at home on the couch is a great motivator. On an off day, when you’d rather just go home and do nothing, you now have to confront your partner. If they do their job well, they’ll insist on working out. You can vent your stresses to each other over a pair of weights.

Competition: Friendly competition can improve your work out and bond couples together. You may have only planned to run 10 laps around the track, but if your partner is still going, you may suddenly find the energy for a few more. If you are both about equal in your fitness level, this may be a great time to get each other to branch out in other areas of life. Set a deal that the one who runs the most laps gets to choose the movie or dinner for the night. 

Improve Your Health Faster: Connecting all the dots, you’ll see that working out together will often result in working our harder and more often. This can be especially important if working out is necessary to avoid hypertension or diabetes. 

Rekindle Your Love: Sure, sex is great, but don’t forget about the love. Watching each other push yourselves and meet your fitness goal will remind you why you love each other. You will view your partner and they will view you as a strong and determined person. When you reach your goal, your partner will be right there to share the moment with you. 

Why are you sitting on the couch while your partner is at the gym? Look at what you are missing out on. If you want to try something a bit different than the gym, look into couple’s Pilates or yoga. Find something you both like to do and enjoy your health in both body and love.

Author Bio: Tonya Vrba is a passionate writer. Her work has been published in newspapers and blogs. She writes frequently about health, career and dating issues. Tonya currently writes with The Online Dating Sites Blog. Learn more about Tonya and her work at her personal website.

 If you liked this post, don't forget to share and tweet about it.  Also, if you have any questions you want to ask Tony, please leave them as comments below this post....

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