Monday 7 May 2012

***GUEST POST*** The Do's And Don'ts Of A Successful Fitness Plan

People who want to get in great shape and maintain a healthy body weight must follow both a healthy diet regimen and a dedicated fitness plan. Regular exercise will increase your metabolism, boost energy and burn calories. Here are a few guidelines to help you stick to your fitness plan and achieve the results you have always wanted.

1. DO Cardiovascular Exercise
Before setting foot inside a gym, you should have a fitness plan in mind. There are a variety of fitness plans that will help you achieve the results you want. 
For optimal results, choose a plan that includes at least 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise such as swimming, running or biking three days each week. 
Cardiovascular exercise not only helps your body burn excess calories, but is an important part of heart heath. You can also try walking on the treadmill, the stair stepper or the elliptical machine.

2. DO Lift Weights
In addition to cardiovascular exercise, you will achieve results much more quickly if you lift weights. 
When you add strength training to your fitness plan, your body will gain lean muscle tissue and burn more calories at rest than with cardiovascular exercise alone. 
Most people achieve great results when performing three sets of 10 to 12 repetitions with a weight they can handle. The last three repetitions should be tough to complete. When it becomes easier, move the weight up, to avoid reaching a plateau.

3. DON’T Overdo It
Many people make the mistake of going all out for the first few weeks of their new fitness plan. This often results in extreme muscle soreness or injury. 
Being consistent is the key to getting in the best shape possible, so you don't want to overdo it. Learn to listen to your body when you begin your exercise plan. 
There is a difference between muscle soreness and injury-related pain. Muscle soreness is relieved with anti-inflammatory medications such as ibuprofen and rest. If you experience a sudden onset of pain or intense pain that does not go away with rest, see your doctor.

4. DON’T Avoid Strength Training
You may be concerned that lifting weights will make you big and bulky, especially if you are a woman. However, one of the biggest mistakes people make when beginning a new exercise plan is avoiding the weight room. 
Lifting weights will help you achieve the tight, healthy body you desire. Women will not become big and bulky from weight lifting (unless they take some dangerous supplements, which you should never do) because their bodies do not make enough testosterone to do so. 
Female body-builders who are overly muscular must alter their testosterone levels with steroids to get large muscles and spend literally hours every day in the weight room, which you likely wouldn’t dream of doing. 30 minutes should suffice.

Once you begin to see results from your fitness plan, you will never go back to a sedentary lifestyle. Be consistent with exercise and you will see results. Do not expect to shed 100 pounds in just a few months or become muscle-bound in three weeks. You must be patient and continue your fitness plan to see results. Eating a healthy diet is another important part of the fitness equation. Aim to eat a variety of complex carbohydrates, non-starchy vegetables, healthy fats, lean protein and low-fat dairy products each day. Many people who exercise regularly eat three to five small meals a day, instead of three large ones. This will keep your metabolism running strong and help you avoid hunger, that may cause you to overeat or slow down your metabolism.

Todays Guest Post Author
Ashley Green writes about fitness, health & saving money

To your dieting success!

Colette Morris  SAC Dipl. (Diet &Nutrition)
LFGC Founder
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Colette Morris is a qualified Nutritionist and Herbalife Independent Distributor so if you want advice on your diet for weight loss, weight gain or sports nutrition, email  or simply click on the tab here  to join our program. 

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