Saturday 9 March 2013

Obesity Crises in the UK

With all the food scandals currently going on at the moment. It's no wonder that people are taking to cooking from fresh.

Our lives have changed over the last 40 to 50 years.

With the introduction of processed foods, and of convenience foods, it has made it easier to eat on the go. However the consequences of this as you can see are the amount of people who are vastly overweight.

It doesn't actually help with the introduction of technology and computer games. We are now seeing our children become obese and overweight and in active.

This is not a fact to be proud off, that the parents that were born in the 60s and 70s will probably outlive their children

Something just has to be done!

Jamie Oliver tried it for the school children, and although there has been some success and awareness in what we eat and what nutrition is being provided, more can be done.

A revolution is about to start in the UK.

I can just feel it in my bones!

As a nutritionists, many in my industry are being inundated with requests from people asking how they can lose weight and improve their current lifestyle.

We're also seeing a lot more gyms open up with reduced rates. Which is a good thing because this will encourage more people to join and actually become more active

If you're interested in finding out how you can become more healthier in your current lifestyle then don't hesitate to e-mail us at London fit girls club at

We have a great program that is guaranteed to help you lose those pounds and achieve the results you want to achieve, with our help of course.

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