Thursday, 6 August 2009

How I Found Herbalife

December 2003, after the Christmas festivities had finished, the reality of what lay ahead for me started to sink in. Alone, with two boys then aged 11 and 5 and no form of income coming in. Living in a three bedroom house with a substantial mortgage to pay and a pitance of alimony money from the boys father to pay towards their wellbeing.

I began to look online, to see if there was anything I could do to help me work from home to be with my kids. I must have seen a hundred or so 'online opportunities' to make quick money, lots of money from home. Most of these I quickly saw through as scams, but there were some where I thought mmmmmm, I wonder!

Well I gave up on searching online as there were too many sites to view. However I received a leaflet through my door about wanting to work from home. It had a website address so I logged on to find out more. When I initially came across this one ad online, it struck a chord with me, and I had a deep down feeling about this one particular ad. I read through the site, thoroughly. I then entered my details, not expecting anything to come from it, so blow me, I was shocked when I received a phone call that very day. We talked over the phone and got on really well. Even more suprisingly he lived not too far from where I lived, which was reassuring at the time. The rest is history....

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