Sunday 28 October 2012

Diets Don't Work

Honestly, how many times have you heard that statement? The reality is, it's how you approach the thing in the first place.

As soon as you mention the word diet, it's out... you have already set yourself up on thinking that there's a load of restricted foods you can't eat.  Why is this... it's about what goes in and what comes out....

By coming out, I mean calories in and calories out...

Exercise is key here.  If we dont do enough, but eat too much, guess what!  The weight piles on or doesn't shift.

So not only can we continue to eat the foods we eat, we have to look at the portion sizes and the calories and fat, protein, carbohydrate, salt and sugar contents.

Yes, there may be a few things we need to cut down on eating, but not necessarily cut out.  Let's face it we need good and bad fats, so the myth that some foods are bad for us period, are just that.... myths.  As long as we control and monitor what it is we are eating, then we can eat what we like.

I know there are mixed studies out there, but let us look at the human body, it is built in a certain way. Our digestives systems are built to work in a specific way, but the thing is we tend to overload it by eating alot of the wrong foods at the same time....

People have said that if we followed the 'cave man' diet, or the pre- 1942 world war 1 diet, that we would all be more healthy, fact is those diets were about rationing the portion size and looking at what was wholesome and provided energy for us to function on a daily basis.  There were no processed foods, or sugary foods at those times, and this is the difference we face in todays times. 

The fact that we have 'convenience foods', 'fast foods', foods without any nutritional value, but full of calories just the same. What you have to recognise if you wish to improve your health is that reading your food labels is key to understanding and knowing what you are putting into your mouth!

More on food labelling to come....

To your dieting success!

Colette Morris SAC Dipl. (Diet &Nutrition)
LFGC Founder


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Colette Morris is a qualified Nutritionist and Herbalife Independent Distributor so if you want advice on your diet for weight loss, weight gain or sports nutrition, email

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