Wednesday, 10 November 2010

How can you fit more walking into your daily routine.

Here are some great ideas on how you can fit more walking into your daily routine.


  • Try parking your car a couple of blocks away from work and walk the rest of the way in
  • If you are not too far away, why not walk to work
  • After eating your lunch why not go for a walk around the block
  • If you need to speak to somebody in the office walk over to them instead of phoning them
  • If you take the train/bus get off a stop or two early and walk the rest of the way
  • Don’t take the lift, use the stairs, if your stairs are quite a way up, then build your stamina up slowly by walking up the first 3/4 flights,then then next day climb up an extra flight and soon until you are able to climb comfortably to the top.

With the Kids:

  • Most schools have walking schemes,so why not encourage your children to walk to school or playgroup. They could ride their bikes or push their scooters while you walk.
  • Walk to the park and back with the kids at the weekend.
  • Find the time for one walk each week with each child - make this your special time when the two of you are alone and you can chat / catch up
  • Plan fun exploration walks for the kids - get out and explore your local neighbourhood
  • Make it your mission to plan a new walk for each weekend - look out for local parks, country walks, etc
  • If you drop your children at clubs / parties, don't spend the time driving back and forth, go for a walk instead

With Friends:

  • Team up with a buddy and plan to go walking for fitness once a week with a friend
  • Offer to join your friend when they are walking the dog
  • Rather than meeting your friends for coffee, suggest going for a stroll to the local coffee shop instead.

At Home:

  • Get up early and go for a walk
  • Cancel the paper / milkman and walk to the shop instead
  • If you run out of essentials, walk to the local shop to buy them - don't take the car
  • Walk whilst talking on the phone
  • Set yourself a goal to walk up and down the stairs a certain amount of times per day
  • Use the upstairs bathroom
  • Whilst watching T.V. always get up and walk around during the adverts

Ideas to make walking more enjoyable

  • Walk your dog if you have one, and let him take the lead
  • Plan a route so that you can visit friends/family along the way
  • Stop off half way at the park if you are walking with kids/dogs
  • Arrange to meet a friend half way
  • Take a Walkman with you
  • Treat yourself to walking equipment, this may motivate you to walk more
  • Contact local walking associations and join in
  • Pick different routes each week so that you don’t risk getting bored, you can lookout for country walks or nature trails in your area.
 Recommended Book to read...

Colette Morris, Nutritionist and Wellness Coach SAC Dipl. (Diet &Nutrition)

Colette Morris is a qualified Nutritionist and Herbalife Independent Distributor so if you want advice on your diet for weight loss, weight gain or sports nutrition, email me

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