Monday 25 July 2011

Hit That Diet Plan Running

I have had enough of pussy footing around clients who want to lose weight, but either sabotage their diet plans, or come up with excuses not to eat properly or exercise right. 

  Far too often I get talking to someone who wants to 'lose a few pounds' and tone up their stomach area, but when you ask them what they have done about it so far.... nothing, nada, zilche!  

So why is it when we want to lose weight we sabotage ourselves in eating the wrong foods or not putting ourselves out on the exercise trail.

First off, you need to change your mindset.  If you need to lose weight, then you need to focus on losing weight by having it in your thoughts 24/7... Ok, maybe not 24/7 but 80% of the time.   

Everything that goes into your mouth, take time out to question.  How is this benefiting my weight loss plan? Am I really hungry? Is this the right thing to be eating right now?   

Visualisation is another key aspect to staying on track.  See yourself as the person you want to become.  Keep that thought in your mind.  Athletes and sports people use this technique time and time again to help them stay on track and to win races.  They see themselves winning the race in their head, step by step and when they get out there on the track, its like deja vu. 

Take baby steps into weight loss.  The worse thing you can do is to cut out everything that's bad for you at once.  So take it little by little. Start of with cutting one item of food per week. Where you can, I suggest replacing it with a healthier alternative. 

I hope these quick tips help you get to where you are going in your weightloss program.   

Todays book to help you sort out your mindset it by James Reed -  

Now it's your turn, let me know what tricks you have used to keep yourself on track - share them with me by leaving a comment below......

Colette Morris  SAC Dipl. (Diet &Nutrition)
LFGC Founder
Herbalife Shop -
Colette Morris is a qualified Nutritionist and Herbalife Independent Distributor so if you want advice on your diet for weight loss, weight gain or sports nutrition, email  or simply click on the tab here  to join our program. 

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