Saturday 16 July 2011

How Colourful Is Your Diet?

Dieting can be monotonous if we choose it to be.  Why not make it exciting. There are so many good recipes out there that are filled with low fat items, fresh produce and low in calories yet filling and exciting enough to enjoy and fill you up!g

I hate rabbit food!  And there is a mixed conception out there that if you are on a weight loss diet, you have to be eating salads, soups and not much else. Wrooooooooooong...

Basically, if you keep tabs on your portion sizes, type of foods that pass your lips and include activity in your program, and provided that calories 'in' or 'eaten'  is less than calories 'out' or used up, you have a formula for weight loss.

David Heber's book is brilliant.  No more worrying about what type of fruit or vegetable you should eat and how much of.  He even has a simple menu option you can follow. 

Because each color category represents different nutrients and antioxidants, Heber suggests one serving from each color. A serving is defined as one cup raw fruits or vegetables or ½ cup cooked.

A week of menus for men and another for women provides suggestions for fitting in all the produce while limiting foods deemed off the menu. Detailed lists of each color group and recommended portion sizes make it easy to create your own menus. Recipes, shopping lists, travel, and dining out tips are included.

David Heber, M.D., Ph.D., F.A.C.P., F.A.C.N.
Professor Heber is included in the The Best Doctors in America and Who's Who in America.
Professor Heber's expertise has been featured many times in the media, including on NBC, CNN and Discovery Channel.
In addition to writing over 70 peer-reviewed scientific articles and two professional texts, he has also written books for the public: "Natural Remedies for a Healthy Heart," "The Resolution Diet," "What Color is Your Diet?" and his latest book - "The LA Shape Diet."
He directs the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Center for Dietary Supplement Research in Botanicals, the National Cancer Institute (NCI) - funded Clinical Nutrition Research Unit and the NIH Nutrition and Obesity Training Grants at UCLA.
Professor Heber's main research interests are obesity treatment and nutrition for cancer prevention and treatment. He is the Director of the UCLA Center for Human Nutrition at the University of California, Los Angeles*.
Professor Heber holds a B.S. in Chemistry, Magna Cum Laude, UCLA, 1969; M.D. Harvard Medical School, 1973; and Ph.D. in Physiology, University of California, 1978. He is board certified in Internal Medicine and Endocrinology and Metabolism by the American Board of Internal Medicine and in Clinical Nutrition by the American Board of Nutrition.
*Professor Heber's title is for identification purposes only. The University of California does not endorse specific products or services as a matter of policy.

Colette Morris SAC Dipl. (Diet &Nutrition)

Colette Morris is a qualified Nutritionist and Herbalife Independent Distributor so if you want advice on your diet for weight loss, weight gain or sports nutrition, email me

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