Wednesday 28 September 2011

Do You Suffer From having A Fat Day?

Today I woke up feeling FAT... How many of you have had a 'fat day!'  

There are times during the month when women do bloat and genuinely even if you are stick thin you can feel and seem visibly fat.  

It's not just us women who have fat days, men too can have 'times of the month' when they too bloat up.   

Sometimes the food we eat can have adverse effects on our bodies and we do physically bloat.  The best way to track if you are intolerant to certain foods is to keep a food diary of what you eat and drink, including times.  This can help to identify what types of foods you are intolerant to so  you can avoid them. 

Another way to find out what you are intolerant to is to cut foods out on a temporary basis and then introduce them back into your diet. It would be best to seek the advice of a qualified nutritionist before embarking on an elimination programme.

If you are thinking of eliminating food types from your diet, you would need to ensure this is done in a controlled manner preferably in consultation with a qualified nutritionist. Again you will need to keep a diary.  

 The first things to cut out would be dairy.  Wheat is also another food type that people are frequently intolerant to, that includes flour, beer, cakes, pasta. If you are eliminating food from your diet, you should do so for 10 days ensuring you cleanse the system thoroughly by drinking lots of water.  Then slowly introduce the food you have eliminated and note down your symptoms.  

You don't have to be fat to feel fat.... So, if like me you are having a 'fat day' keep track of how you feel, what you have eaten and get some more exercise in! 

Colette Morris  SAC Dipl. (Diet &Nutrition)
LFGC Founder
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Colette Morris is a qualified Nutritionist and Herbalife Independent Distributor so if you want advice on your diet for weight loss, weight gain or sports nutrition, 
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