Friday 9 September 2011

Fat Busting Exercise Routines

 Hey I've got a massive secret!

Well it is not really a secret, because it's been around a while, but there is a way in which you can work out less and burn more fat....

Yes you heard me right. How?

It's called High Intensity Interval Training (or HIIT)

SO what is it?  Well it's format is brief bouts of hard exercise in short bursts paired with easier activity for recovery, this helps to burn off more calories per minute than doing a longer workout at a steady pace.  

You can perform a HIIT workout in 30 minutes or less.  A great iphone app for this is NIKE WOMENS TRAINING. They have a range of interval training sessions and weight bearing sessions so your choice!

 This routine helps to burn of 350 calories in 30 minutes and as you get fitter you can extend the length of the workout. You can do this with any type of cardio,running, jumping rope, or treadmill elliptical. 

So for the first 10minutes:
warm up - this could involve walking at a moderate pace for the first 1- 2 minutes,then stepping up the pace for the next 3-4 minutes then leading into a light jog for the next 5 - 7 minutes, then a short sprint for the next  30 seconds then back down to alight jog for the final 2 minute.

30 seconds - workout at a strong to challenging effort,  this is where you feel almost breathless and can only sing 'happy birthday' a few words at a team.

then rest for 1 minute

Repeat the above sequence two more times, so after your first sequence you should be walking at a moderate to fast pace, then stepping that up to a light jog then extend the jogging time where you are able to, if you are not up to jogging yet, then increase your walking pace to as fast as you can and sustain this for at least 4 - 5 minutes.

Don't forget to warm down, so take 5minutes out to cool down walking, stretching etc.

Colette Morris  SAC Dipl. (Diet &Nutrition)
LFGC Founder
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Colette Morris is a qualified Nutritionist and Herbalife Independent Distributor so if you want advice on your diet for weight loss, weight gain or sports nutrition, email  or simply click on the tab here  to join our program. 

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