Friday 14 September 2012

*** GUEST POST *** Aerial circus – What’s all the hype about?

Aerial circus is taking the nation by storm at the moment as the latest way to get fit, tone up, and have a really fantastic time while you’re at it! If you’ve been looking to add a little spice to your workout regime but are lacking inspiration. 

The team at Poleista a new aerial circus and pole blog have put together a raft of info to help you decide whether aerial circus might be something that will help you to achieve the results that you’ve been dreaming of.

What are the benefits?

We all lead busy lifestyles, so it’s important that we choose a type of exercise that will reap the rewards. Thankfully, aerial circus really delivers. It provides a full body workout that can improve core strength and flexibility while also burning calories. Aerial circus is a great confidence booster too, and beginners often find that their newfound skills translate into all areas of their lives. Of course, part of this is probably due to their sexy new figures!

So what exactly is aerial circus?

In the most basic of terms, aerial arts involve performing aerobic style moves while suspended in mid-air. Cirque du Soleil are famous for their dazzling aerial circus performances the world over. There are several different types that all involve the use of different apparatus. They’re a true art form that requires grace, skill and dedication, though even the most unfit of beginners are welcome at classes. Even if you doubt your credentials in these areas, a class will soon make you change your mind!

What are the different types of aerial art?
Here, we'll take a look at a few of the various types of aerial art that you can choose from.

Aerial hoop

Aerial hoop is probably the most well-known of all the aerial arts, and involves using a large metal hoop which is suspended from the ceiling. A beginners’ class will cover the basics of getting up and down from the hoop and then how to spin. Once this has been mastered, the class will move onto more advanced manoeuvres involving performance skills and technique. Aerial hoop is also often called lyra or cerceau.

Static trapeze

A suspended metal bar is the equipment of choice for those practising static trapeze. The equipment stays completely still while the artist performs tricks and moves. Beginners will start by learning how to get on and off the trapeze, and then progress to more advanced movements and techniques.

Spanish web

Spanish web involves the artists climbing a rope which they can then use to perform a range of tricks and moves. The apparatus includes a loop at the very top of the rope, which students can use to lock their wrists into to allow a wider range of positions to be achieved. A class will involve learning very basic poses and some climbing techniques.

Aerial tissu

Tissu, also known as silk, is a fabric apparatus that performers use to climb and wrap their bodies around. Beginners will start by learning how to climb the silks and carry out basic poses. Eventually, the moves will require greater strength and skill.

How can I get started?

The best way to get started with your chosen aerial art is to sign up for a beginners’ class in your local area. Pick one that is appropriate to your current skill level and just turn up!

What can I expect from my first class?

Aerial arts classes start with a warm-up that incorporates your chosen apparatus to get your body ready for the session. You will then be introduced to some basic moves before slowly moving on to more advanced techniques. Classes tend be very friendly and supportive places, so you’re likely to even make a few new friends while you’re there.

Aerial arts provide a great workout opportunity for anyone who’s looking for something a little bit out of the ordinary. It might just take one class for you to be hooked!

Todays Guest Post is by Carolyn Jones who writes for a new aerial and pole fitness site called


To your dieting success!

Colette Morris  SAC Dipl. (Diet &Nutrition)
LFGC Founder
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