Friday, 27 August 2010

Motivation Vlog

Short Vlog on Motivation vs procrastination for you...

Colette Morris Do You Want To Share a blog post here? Email

Colette Morris is a qualified Nutritionist so if you want advice on your diet for weight loss, weight gain or sports nutrition,weight maintenance email me at

Thursday, 26 August 2010

Reggaeton Zumba...

Another great style for Zumba classes....
Let me know what you think... have any of you taken any Zumba classes? Leave me a comment below.

Colette Morris Do You Want To Share a blog post here? Email

Colette Morris is a qualified Nutritionist so if you want advice on your diet for weight loss, weight gain or sports nutrition, email me

Wednesday, 25 August 2010

Zumba Your Way To Fitness

If you haven't heard of Zumba by now where have you been. Here is a great video example, try and dance along with it, you will see how exhilarating and great it is for fat burning,weight loss and general keep fit.

You can find out if there are classes near you by googling 'zumba classes' and your home town.

Colette Morris Do You Want To Share a blog post here? Email

Colette Morris is a qualified Nutritionist so if you want advice on your diet for weight loss, weight gain or sports nutrition, email me

Tuesday, 24 August 2010

Motivation: Sometimes you Just have to Do It!

Well Well Well... the subject of our blog today is motivation. Motivation is key to achieving your goals and dreams.  Heard of the 80/20 rule?  Well only 20% of your activities are needed to help you achieve your goal, the other 80% are wasted events. So you got to look at what is necessary as an activity to keep you motivated and just go do it as Nike say...

Here is a vlog I made out in the park today and believe me it was a very motivational judgement call I had to make, as it was a case of getting out there due to wet weather or no....

Colette Morris Do You Want To Share a blog post here? Email
Colette Morris is a qualified Nutritionist so if you want advice on your diet for weight loss, weight gain or sports nutrition, email me

Sunday, 22 August 2010

Lose Weight Can Be Easy or Hard, It All Depends On YOU!

How hard have you tried in the past to lose weight and gave up after two weeks or so of trying? Come on guys lets face it, it took you a while to pile on the pounds, what makes you think that you can  get rid of it so quicklyLosing weight has to be your choice no one elses.  Once you decide you wish to lose weight, ask yourself the question - what will this weight loss do for me? How would it make me feel?  Above all else, when you are tempted your reason or your feelings for losing weight should be so strong, you ultimately are conscious of these feelings and act upon them positively , that is to deny what ever is tempting you.

It's a mindset thing, and you have to have control over both your conscious and subconscious mind for your weight loss to be effective.  Listen to this, have you ever made up your mind to lose weight, then a few moments later you open the fridge door and there sitting on the shelf is a large slice of cheese cake, or  something just as naughty, you say to yourself, I must be good as I am on a diet, but your sub conscious mind takes out the cake and before you know it you have eaten the slice!  What's wrong with that scene? 

Well your subconsious mind just ignored your conscious mind, which is something it is programmed to do by YOU.  So how to you re-programme your sub conscious so that it listens to you?   NLP or Neuro Linguistic Programming can help to do this effectively, but you must be open to it in the first instance.  Anthony Robbins and many others teaches this technique.You also have to have a really strong why in the first place.  Many of us know what we have to do to lose weight, eat less, exercise more,but we find it hard to get motivated to do so. 

Having a buddy, someone who makes you accountable is a great way to lose weight and stay in shape.  Also, if there is a way in which you can STOP buying the foods that tempt you or have them in the house, go ahead and do that.  You will be amazed how quickly you adapt to good eating habits when bad food is not around.

Here's a program which you may find helps with changing your mindset and helping you to achieve your weight loss goals.  Let me have your reviews if any :)

Colette Morris Do You Want To Share a blog post here? Email
Colette Morris is a qualified Nutritionist so if you want advice on your diet for weight loss, weight gain or sports nutrition, email me

Official - London Fit Girls Now On Twitter!

I am so excited, I don't know why I didn't do this earlier... duh! I have just created a twitter account for the LdnFitGirlsclub, so why not connect with us online.

Share your weight loss journey with us, your keep fit regime, or your beauty tips. we want to hear them all....

Catch you on twitter!

Thursday, 19 August 2010

Learning the art of keyword research |SEO- I got #1 spot on youtube here's proof learn more

Monday, 16 August 2010

What's stopping you from moving on in your life/career great short vid from Anthony Robbins

Sunday, 15 August 2010

Making it count

Monday start of new week. What you make of it is down to you. You can make it count, or let it go by.

Life is too short to waste time on trivial things. Look at where you want to be and take action to get there.

We all have an idea of what we want out of life, but not Every one will take action towards getting what they want. That is what makes the difference between SUCCESS and failure.

So make this week count.

Colette Morris
Life is like a bowl of cherries. Sometimes sour sometimes sweet.

Monday, 9 August 2010


Be prepared when making follow up calls. Follow ups are key to your business succeeding or failing. If you do not follow up your prospects correctly or at all, you are leaving money on the table.

Be professional, make notes, create rapport, be a leader.

To your success!

Colette Morris aka workfmhomeDiva

Friday, 6 August 2010

Here's what I learnt about Niche/micro niches|could help you too. Leave comment.
I just rated a squidoo lens on self development.. you can too just click the link and dont forget to rate the lens

I wanted to share this You Tube video with you all today on my blog. This is a great video to watch and teaches us many lessons, but is funny and engaging and the same time.

Be nice and give a compliment to someone today... see what happens!

Enjoy... click on the link to watch video..

To your success

Colette Morris
are you sociable, imaginative, fast thinking? more on this trait here and how to connect with them..
Are you laid back, diplomatic, amiable, patient, emotional focused, watch this video for more traits
Choosing The Right Theme Can Make YourBlog Stand Out In The Crowd...

Blogging is one of the most popular ways to get your point of view across on the internet. You can use blogs to share their thoughts, or market your business and products. You can even make money out of your blog by monetizing it, but that is another article.

In this article I will show how you can make your blog better with the help of using a good design theme.

More on this article can be found here:

To your success
Colette Morris aka workfmhomeDiva
Bloggers: Which wordpress do you use? Great article..
bloggers: having difficulty choosing themes? this article could help..

Thursday, 5 August 2010

CarbonCopyPRO Names Rick Dearr Chief Operating Officer

A major announcement today was made by Internet marketing education and resources company CarbonCopyPRO of the appointment of Rick Dearr as its new Chief Operating Officer.

More can be found here at this link..

Welcome Rick!

TO your Success
Colette Morris aka workfmhomeDiva

Wednesday, 4 August 2010

How grateful are u for what u have in ur life?there r others worse off than u. Pray 4 them & give thanks. Peace out..

Monday, 2 August 2010

DO You Love to Read?

Reading is essential if we are to grow.If you are not happy with where you are or who you are, then do something about it. What can you do you ask. Read, listen to CD's watch inspirational videos like 'The Secret'. Just do something.

Albert Einstein once said 'we cannot solve our problems with the same thinking that created them'.

Here are some books and cd's which I have read and which have changed me. I am still growing and will continue to grow because learning is not something you will ever get too much of.

As ever, leave me your comments :)

To Your Success

Colette Morris