Friday, 24 May 2013

Tips To Get Losing Pounds And Inches

It's Frustrating when you feel you're doing everything right.  

You're watching your portion sizes
You're exercising
You're cutting down carbohydrates
You're cutting out sugar
You're reducing your fat content

The one thing you may not be doing is increasing your water intake. Considering that the body is made up of 60% water it is truly necessary to ensure you are properly hydrated. 

Some interesting facts about water:
Water can help control calories
Don't get me wrong there is no magic in water but basically just by drinking lots of water  Rather than high calorie lots of sugar soda can help. 

Water helps your skin look good
 As our skin contains plenty of water it functions as a protective barrier to prevent excess fluid loss.  
Dehydration make your skin look more dry and wrinkly. 

Water helps your kidneys to function
Your body fluids transport waste products in and out of yourselves. Your kidneys do an amazing job of cleansing your body of toxins as long as your intake of fluids is adequate. If you drink enough fluids your urine will flow freely and should be light in colour and free of odour . How ever when your body is not get enough fluids your urine concentration, colour and odour increases because the kidneys trap extra fluid for bodily functions. 

Water helps to maintain normal bowel functions. 
The great thing about water is if you drink enough of it, it will help to stop constipation. When the body doesn't get enough water it pull water from wherever it can including your stools Which result in constipation! 

So how can you drink more water? 

1. Have a drink with every snack and meal
2. Eat more fruit and vegetables their  high water content will act as part of your water intake and increases hydration
3. Always keep a bottle of water with you on your desk at work, in your car, or beside your bed or in your handbag. 

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To your dieting success! 
Colette Morris SAC Dipl. (Diet &Nutrition) LFGC Founder ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ JOIN THE CHALLENGE WITH US HERE: It's easy as  1. Watch the 6 minute video here  2. Hit JOIN the challenge Tab, or Promote the challenge  3. Watch the Getting Started Training   I will personally be in touch with you to guide you through the challenge, as this is a team work effort :)  No one gets left behind! The Challenge is for everyone and EVERY BODY Don't miss your chance to try the USA's #1 Weight Loss and Fitness Challenge

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