Losing weight takes time, and in doing so we need to break habits we have built up over time. I am talking about the bad habits of just having to have something in your mouth for no other reason than you just feel you need to...
To often I was caught out by the same bad habit or having snacks late in the evening, it became a habit to have that 'glass of wine' with a few 'biscuits and some cheese', that was my downfall.
Tell me what yours is? post me a comment below..
Did you know it takes 21 days to break a habit? All you need to do is to condition yourself mentally. When you find yourself reaching for that forbidden food item, say to yourself repeatedly, will this help to get rid of the extra pounds I am carrying around? DO I really need to eat this right now? Am I really hungry or just bored?
I found myself having these little arguments with myself in front of the refrigerator each evening, I won many of such arguments,but there were a few that I succumbed to. Then gradually I found that when I had such thoughts,I could switch them off,or decide on another course of action instead,like having an alternative snack that was low fat,and low in calories, or just plain getting a cup of tea or some water and retiring to bed to avoid the kitchen.
Not saying this will work for you, but you need to workout when you find yourself craving these naughty snacks and why. Only when you find this answer will it be easier for you to manage the snacking for no reason issue.
Always have healthy snacks around the house. Stop buying unhealthy snacking foods such as cakes, crisps,cheeses and the like. The less temptation around the better. If you do have to buy them,then look for low fat alternatives, and then be conscious of stretching out the snack when you eat it. If it lasts longer you are less likely to snack again after.
- Snacks should be no more than approximately 110 calories. You should also ensure you only have 2 / 3 snacks per day.
- Keeping a photo of you now on the refrigerator is a way of helping you to keep on the straight and narrow.
- Buying or hanging up an outfit that you want to get into is really a good method to keep you focused. If you have a reason for losing the weight or dieting, the nensure you have this reason posted in a place where you can see this daily.
- Manage your portion sizes. I use a smaller plate so that I don't fill it up.
- Drink a glass of water the next time you think you are hungry for a snack, it may well turn out that you are thirsty and not hungry.
- Instead of eating a chocolate bar when you next feel for one, why not try a hot or cold chocolate drink, far less calories:)
Hope these tips help you to keep on track. Why not tell me what else you do to keep you on track by leaving me a comment below.
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Colette Morris SAC Dipl. (Diet &Nutrition) London Fit Girl Founder Herbalife Shop - http://healthyweightloss.herbalcoach.com/ Colette Morris is a qualified Nutritionist and Herbalife Independent Distributor so if you want advice on your diet for weight loss, weight gain or sports nutrition, email LondonFitGirlsClub@gmail.com or simply click on the tab here to join our program.