Friday, 31 May 2013

Are You Gaining Weight on Your Diet?


All over the world people are following diets to reduce their weight, improve their health or simply to feel better.  However, it is common for dieters to end up gaining weight when following a restricted eating plan, an effect that is disheartening and frustrating.

As a general rule if you consume less calories through food than you are burning in exercise and day to day activities you will lose weight.  However, in practice it is not always that easy as there are numerous factors that can contribute to the success of a diet even if it theoretically puts you into the negative energy balance needed to lose weight.

Many dieters start an eating regime without a complete knowledge of food and the bodies’ requirements which can lead to simple eating mistakes that result in weight gain rather than the desired loss.

Many diets are also overly restrictive and cut out whole food groups or important nutrients.  These types of diets can also lead to weight gain, especially in the long term as they are not maintainable and they can lead to the development of disordered eating habits which alter the way your body functions.

Here are some reasons why your diet may be causing you to gain weight rather than to lose it.

The diet does not result in a negative energy balance.

Eating habits and diets are very personal things and there is no one-size-fits-all solution to weight loss.  

Many dieters overestimate the amount of calories they burn during exercise or incidental activity and underestimate the amount they are consuming in certain foods.  

This can mean that even if the diet is followed correctly, weight loss may not occur and in fact you may gain a little.

More from this article can be found here


To your dieting success! 

Colette Morris SAC Dipl. (Diet &Nutrition)
LFGC Founder

It's easy as 
1. Watch the 6 minute video here 
2. Hit JOIN the challenge Tab, or Promote the challenge 
3. Watch the Getting Started Training 

 I will personally be in touch with you to guide you through the challenge, as this is a team work effort :) 
No one gets left behind!

The Challenge is for everyone and EVERY BODY

Don't miss your chance to try the USA's #1 Weight Loss and Fitness Challenge


Friday, 24 May 2013

Tips To Get Losing Pounds And Inches

It's Frustrating when you feel you're doing everything right.  

You're watching your portion sizes
You're exercising
You're cutting down carbohydrates
You're cutting out sugar
You're reducing your fat content

The one thing you may not be doing is increasing your water intake. Considering that the body is made up of 60% water it is truly necessary to ensure you are properly hydrated. 

Some interesting facts about water:
Water can help control calories
Don't get me wrong there is no magic in water but basically just by drinking lots of water  Rather than high calorie lots of sugar soda can help. 

Water helps your skin look good
 As our skin contains plenty of water it functions as a protective barrier to prevent excess fluid loss.  
Dehydration make your skin look more dry and wrinkly. 

Water helps your kidneys to function
Your body fluids transport waste products in and out of yourselves. Your kidneys do an amazing job of cleansing your body of toxins as long as your intake of fluids is adequate. If you drink enough fluids your urine will flow freely and should be light in colour and free of odour . How ever when your body is not get enough fluids your urine concentration, colour and odour increases because the kidneys trap extra fluid for bodily functions. 

Water helps to maintain normal bowel functions. 
The great thing about water is if you drink enough of it, it will help to stop constipation. When the body doesn't get enough water it pull water from wherever it can including your stools Which result in constipation! 

So how can you drink more water? 

1. Have a drink with every snack and meal
2. Eat more fruit and vegetables their  high water content will act as part of your water intake and increases hydration
3. Always keep a bottle of water with you on your desk at work, in your car, or beside your bed or in your handbag. 

If you enjoyed reading this post, why not share, tweet, LIKE or Google plus it! 

To your dieting success! 
Colette Morris SAC Dipl. (Diet &Nutrition) LFGC Founder ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ JOIN THE CHALLENGE WITH US HERE: It's easy as  1. Watch the 6 minute video here  2. Hit JOIN the challenge Tab, or Promote the challenge  3. Watch the Getting Started Training   I will personally be in touch with you to guide you through the challenge, as this is a team work effort :)  No one gets left behind! The Challenge is for everyone and EVERY BODY Don't miss your chance to try the USA's #1 Weight Loss and Fitness Challenge

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Intermittent fasting: the 5:2 diet


Since Dr Michael Mosley put it to the test on BBC's Horizon programme in August 2012, the 5:2 diet has been steadily gaining in popularity.

How it works is that across seven days you eat normally for five days and on two non-consecutive days you stick to 500 calories (600 if you're a man). The 5:2 diet is also known as intermittent fasting. 

As long as you don't binge on your 'feast' days, and make sure you stick to the calorie limit to your 'fast' days, many Mumsnetters say intermittent fasting has helped them lose weight, without the usual diet-related misery.

Very low-calorie diets usually come under fire from doctors as being bad for you and bound to fail: your body responds to restricted calories as if you're in a famine and your metabolism slows down, then once your calorie intake goes up, your body stores the energy as fat.

But the science seems to show that two days of fasting, non-consecutively, doesn't trigger this response and so you don't get locked into a demoralising fat-off, fat-on cycle. 

Read more here: 

Intermittent fasting: the 5:2 diet

Shared via Google Currents

Colette Morris 
Fighting Obesity 1Person at a time! 

Monday, 20 May 2013

Colette's 90-Day Challenge

Hi There, today I thought I would give you an insight into what you get as being part of the challenge. 

There is a great support network at where you are encouraged to input daily or however often you want to, about your challenge journey. 

You can add photo's videos, your measurements, and a journal.  Click on the link below to get an idea on what I am upto with my 90 day challenge

Colette's 90-Day Challenge

To your dieting success! 

Colette Morris SAC Dipl. (Diet &Nutrition)
LFGC Founder

It's easy as 
1. Watch the 6 minute video here 
2. Hit JOIN the challenge Tab, or Promote the challenge 
3. Watch the Getting Started Training 

 I will personally be in touch with you to guide you through the challenge, as this is a team work effort :) 
No one gets left behind!

The Challenge is for everyone and EVERY BODY

Don't miss your chance to try the USA's #1 Weight Loss and Fitness Challenge


Sunday, 19 May 2013

The Latest Project 10 Winners

So here we are with some of the Project 10 winners for April 2013. 
What is Project 10?

Well, if you join the 90 Day challenge, you get the opportunity to enter into Project 10 - lose or gain 10lbs, details are in the video.  You will then be eligbile to win $1,000 or £650. 

How cool is that! 

To your dieting success! 

Colette Morris SAC Dipl. (Diet &Nutrition)
LFGC Founder

It's easy as 
1. Watch the 6 minute video here 
2. Hit JOIN the challenge Tab, or Promote the challenge 
3. Watch the Getting Started Training 

 I will personally be in touch with you to guide you through the challenge, as this is a team work effort :) 
No one gets left behind!

The Challenge is for everyone and EVERY BODY

Don't miss your chance to try the USA's #1 Weight Loss and Fitness Challenge


Saturday, 18 May 2013

The Connection between Salt Blood Pressure and Good Health

We always hear that the more sodium you consume from salty foods, the higher your blood pressure will go. 

This fact is more or less, true. Read the attached article for more information.

Shared via Google Currents

If you found this useful feel free to share, LIKE and TWEET!

Friday, 17 May 2013

So I Get A Lot Of Queries On What Is In The Vi Shake

So, alot of you are interested in the products and just want to know what is in it. 

This is a 20 minute video.. (Yes I know its a bit long, but you wanted to know whats in the shake)

This is so educational, even I learnt alot about how the tri sorb protein works... 

Press play on the video to see what I'm talking about! 

To your dieting success! 

Colette Morris SAC Dipl. (Diet &Nutrition)
LFGC Founder

It's easy as 
1. Watch the 6 minute video here 
2. Hit JOIN the challenge Tab, or Promote the challenge 
3. Watch the Getting Started Training 

 I will personally be in touch with you to guide you through the challenge, as this is a team work effort :) 
No one gets left behind!

The Challenge is for everyone and EVERY BODY

Don't miss your chance to try the USA's #1 Weight Loss and Fitness Challenge


Thursday, 16 May 2013

Having a blast!

Having fun in Weston Supermare. 

Don't get me wrong had a really tough start to this morning, woke up nice and early.. 

Ok, had a bit of a lie in. 

Had my Vi Shake, then headed out to the Gym.

Went to the gym worked out for about an hour doing a mixture of power plates (those things are tough believe me, was only on it for 20 minutes, but felt the effects!) and spent over 15 minutes doing stomach crunches and floor work
Must have easily used up over 280 calories if not more. 

Chilled out in the Sauna and Steam room for an hour. This was heaven, I love the steam room, I could live in it.  It's great for the pores and for breathingSpent some time in the Jacuzzi before getting ready to go out and about to the beach at Weston Supermare.  

Did loads of walking about, saw some great shops (no shoes though :()

Topped off the day with a lovely Chinese meal.  

My point is?

Put walking and exercising in your daily routine where ever you can.  Sometimes you just have to force yourself to make time.  
We all lead busy lives, but really no exercise is no excuse. 

Just 30 minutes walking or exercising a day, getting your cardio up will help to maintain a healthy heart. 

Heart disease, high blood pressure are among some of the illnesses caused by lack of exercise and bad diets.  Just by changing a few things could help improve the length and qaulity of your life.  

Weston Supermare Beach

To your dieting success! 

Colette Morris SAC Dipl. (Diet &Nutrition)
LFGC Founder

It's easy as 
1. Watch the 6 minute video here 
2. Hit JOIN the challenge Tab, or Promote the challenge 
3. Watch the Getting Started Training 

 I will personally be in touch with you to guide you through the challenge, as this is a team work effort :) 
No one gets left behind!

The Challenge is for everyone and EVERY BODY

Don't miss your chance to try the USA's #1 Weight Loss and Fitness Challenge


Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Inspiration To Achieve Your Goals

What are you doing to ensure you stick to your goals? 

We all face challenges daily in our life , How many of us set ourselves challenges to complete?  

Instead of the labouriously trying to lose pounds and inches, why not set yourself a challenge you know you are forced to complete. 

This could be completing a marathon, or even a half marathon, or even a 5K run, or a walk for charity. Do something where you are sponsored, this will give you the drive to complete whatever you have set yourself to do. 

With joining the you're able to track your progress with photos with videos with journal entries. The challenge community encourage everyone of  you to complete your challenge and yourgoals. 

If in the past you have failed to achieve your health goal and objectives, try ninety-day challenge with us. This is not just a diet, it is a lifestyle change. 

People who are On the challenge have noted many health benefits, this is not about using the products, it is about getting results with losing weight and improving your health. 

A recent survey has shown that liquid meal replacements do help people to start their weight loss journey more easily.  There is really nothing to think about, no worry about the number of calories, proteins, carb intake. Just make your shake and go. 

To your dieting success! 
Colette Morris SAC Dipl. (Diet &Nutrition) LFGC Founder ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ JOIN THE CHALLENGE WITH US HERE: It's easy as  1. Watch the 6 minute video here  2. Hit JOIN the challenge Tab, or Promote the challenge  3. Watch the Getting Started Training   I will personally be in touch with you to guide you through the challenge, as this is a team work effort :)  No one gets left behind! The Challenge is for everyone and EVERY BODY Don't miss your chance to try the USA's #1 Weight Loss and Fitness Challenge

Walk To Work Week

 It's National walk to work week. So what are you doing to improve your cardio exercises? 

Walking is a great way to lose weight and to help speed up your metabolism. Try going for a brisk walk to bring up theheart rate, Your body will thank you for it

Walking is a great way to enjoy your surroundings, also if you are overweight walking is also a great way to start moderate exercise. 

Get yourself a pedometer, Challenge yourself to walk further each day. 

Have fun walking

To your dieting success! 

Colette Morris SAC Dipl. (Diet &Nutrition)
LFGC Founder

It's easy as 
1. Watch the 6 minute video here 
2. Hit JOIN the challenge Tab, or Promote the challenge 
3. Watch the Getting Started Training 

 I will personally be in touch with you to guide you through the challenge, as this is a team work effort :) 
No one gets left behind!

The Challenge is for everyone and EVERY BODY

Don't miss your chance to try the USA's #1 Weight Loss and Fitness Challenge


Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Reasons Why I'm Adding Visalus to My Home Business Portfolio

 As you know I have recently partnered up with Vi UK, and wanted to give some reasons as to why I have done so.

Earning an income from home, even if you have a full time job, gives you flexibility to do things you would not normally do or afford. 

Click on the link to find out more.

Reasons Why I'm Adding Visalus to My Home Business Portfolio

To your dieting success! 

Colette Morris SAC Dipl. (Diet &Nutrition)
LFGC Founder

It's easy as 
1. Watch the 6 minute video here 
2. Hit JOIN the challenge Tab, or Promote the challenge 
3. Watch the Getting Started Training 

 I will personally be in touch with you to guide you through the challenge, as this is a team work effort :) 
No one gets left behind!

The Challenge is for everyone and EVERY BODY

Don't miss your chance to try the USA's #1 Weight Loss and Fitness Challenge


Delish, I Really Enjoyed This....

This is another recipe I just created for you, there are so many ways to use the VI Shake mix, it is not just a shake...

I made this lovely dessert quickly and easily.  Try it, the recipe is in the video..

PS - if you like the Background track by Wireless Sound UK Into Motion - you can get it from Itunes, it is available  to download here. INTO MOTION

Recipe for my frozen yoghurt dessert 
250ml coconut milk 
1/2 cup frozen berries 
2 scoops Vi Shake mix  

Blend and Pour!


To your dieting success! 

Colette Morris SAC Dipl. (Diet &Nutrition)
LFGC Founder

It's easy as 
1. Watch the 6 minute video here 
2. Hit JOIN the challenge Tab, or Promote the challenge 
3. Watch the Getting Started Training 

 I will personally be in touch with you to guide you through the challenge, as this is a team work effort :) 
No one gets left behind!

The Challenge is for everyone and EVERY BODY

Don't miss your chance to try the USA's #1 Weight Loss and Fitness Challenge


Sunday, 12 May 2013

The Top 10 Workout Songs For May

Fort Wayne, IN – May 1, 2013 – This month's top 10 highlights the return of several workout favorites. Daft Punk released their new material since the Tron: Legacy soundtrack. The Jonas Brothers and Avril Lavigne offered previews from their upcoming albums. Lastly, Paramore—whose future was uncertain after two founding members left the band—topped the Billboard chart for the first time in their career.

Here's the full list, according to votes placed at Run Hundred--the web's most popular workout music blog.

Ash - Arcadia - 151 BPM

Krewella - Alive - 128 BPM

The Band Perry - Done - 102 BPM

Daft Punk & Pharrell - Get Lucky - 116 BPM

Alex Gaudino & Mario - Beautiful - 128 BPM

Jonas Brothers - Pom Poms - 148 BPM

Will.I.Am & Justin Bieber - #thatPOWER - 129 BPM

Avril Lavigne - Here's to Never Growing Up - 83 BPM

Paramore - Still into You - 137 BPM

Carly Rae Jepsen - Tonight I'm Getting over You - 126 BPM

To find more workout songs, folks can check out the free database at Visitors can browse the song selections there by genre, tempo, and era—to find the music that best fits with their particular workout routine. 

Chris Lawhorn 
Run Hundred 

Friday, 10 May 2013

Flat Stomach, This Really Works..

Hi Peeps, I found this great video online and wanted to share. 

I've started doing this, it's tough, but then if it was easy, I wouldnt see the results right away.. 

Let me know how you get on with this... People have said they noticed a difference in upto 3 days. 

Like anything, if you are not up to the level of fitness as the lady in the video, then slowly build yourself up with the reps. 

You know your body, so don't overdo it. 

I recommend doing this every other day....

Let me know how you get on, leave me a comment on my blog below :)

To your dieting success! 

Colette Morris SAC Dipl. (Diet &Nutrition)
LFGC Founder

It's easy as 
1. Watch the 6 minute video here 
2. Hit JOIN the challenge Tab, or Promote the challenge 
3. Watch the Getting Started Training 

 I will personally be in touch with you to guide you through the challenge, as this is a team work effort :) 
No one gets left behind!

The Challenge is for everyone and EVERY BODY

Don't miss your chance to try the USA's #1 Weight Loss and Fitness Challenge


Thursday, 9 May 2013

Building Lean Muscle with Vi Shakes

So, hands up if you thought that the Body By Vi Challenge was just about weightloss! 

Well here is another story from Josh Qaude who actually didn't need to lose weight, he needed to build muscle. 

Watch the video below for his story. 

So, if you don't need to lose weight, but want to fine tune your bodyshape, there is another reason to join us on the challenge, and get a chance to be entered into Project 10. 

Click here to find out more on Project 10 


 If you are inspired by Josh's story then sign up with us below... just follow the steps.  

If you are in the UK, USA, CAnada or Jamaica use the link below.  For others sign up and register your interest, I will get back to you. 

To your dieting success! 

Colette Morris SAC Dipl. (Diet &Nutrition)
LFGC Founder

It's easy as 
1. Watch the 6 minute video here 
2. Hit JOIN the challenge Tab, or Promote the challenge 
3. Watch the Getting Started Training 

 I will personally be in touch with you to guide you through the challenge, as this is a team work effort :) 
No one gets left behind!

The Challenge is for everyone and EVERY BODY

Don't miss your chance to try the USA's #1 Weight Loss and Fitness Challenge
