Monday, 11 January 2010

Day Three - Detox

Ok, this was crunch day, felta little lethargic today, but that was expected. Started out with Green tea and Cranberry, then had some pineapplefor breakfast.

After a gruelling 15 minutes shovelling snow off my car (must have burned around 120 cals alone doing that!) I then set off to drop my son school and then back to work.

If like me you have hectic days, it is important to keep hydrated and drink lots of water. I had another cup of green tea, a banana for elevenses,then worked through lunch with two plums. and apple and a tangerine.

Lots more water, a brief run up four flights of stairs for the afternoon before driving back home.

Dinner was light, two boiled eggs, green beans (with soya butter and cracked peppers), on a bed of spinach. Lots of protein in dark leafy veg, and in the eggs. Protein fills you up better than carbs do, and it has an extraordinary way of switching your body off craving carbs....

I had a rest day today from my personal trainer, but I guess shovelling off the snow and running up the stairs made up for this :)

Can't wait for Day 4, oops look at the time, it is Day 4:)

Well I better sign off and continue later when I have my 7 hours of sleep :)

Letme know how you are all getting on with your detox's out there! Leave me a comment or ask a question...

COlette Morris F.R.S.A, SAC Dipl. (Diet & Nutrition)
Nutritionist, Expert Author and Top Producer
Contact me for a consultation:

1 comment:

  1. PS a heads up or Detox day 4 menu:

    Breakfast - fruit bowl (pineapple, apple, oranges)
    Cup of green tea

    Mid morning snack: handful of mixed nuts

    Lunch: bowl of soup and whole meal pitta bread

    Afternoon Snack: green tea and 1 rice cake

    Dinner: steamed white fish with cauliflower, parsnips and sweetpotatoe mash

    dont forget to drink your water!


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