Day 2 of the detox programme.
This morning started off with a cup of green tea and cranberry, and a quarter of honeydew melon. Melon should be eaten on its own and not mixed with other fruit as your digestive system finds it hard to break down other fruits with melon, and will only cause fermentation and possibly discomfort instead.
About 10am I had a snack- 1 banana and a glass of room temperature water. This helped to keep my energy levels up as in general fruit digests in about 20 minutes in the system.
During the day, I did about an hour and a half of housework. This was very strenous housework, tidying both of my sons bedroom. This probably burned up around 250 - 350 calories alone. I did drink two glasses of water while tidying up their rooms.
Lunch time which was around 1pm for me, I had a cup of soup, and another glass of water.
30 minutes after my lunch, I did a 20 minute workout, mainly routines to tone up my arms, legs and lower back. I used a band for tension and this helps with toning up.
For dinner I cooked traditional Sunday dinner which was rice and peas, chicken, broccoli, cauliflower and carrots with plantain and roast potatoes.
For myself, I just had the vegetables potatoe and plantain, with another glass of water.
A good tip about dinner is to ensure that you eat your main meal before 8pm as this is when the body begins to shut itself down in preparation for sleep. Sleep is important to the body as this is the time it takes to repair itself.
One of the things to stop putting on weight is to not snack after 8. (hey that rhymes :))
Another tip is to not have a heavy meal last thing at night, as for instance meat may take upto 3 hours to digest in your system, and if you eat late and go to bed after, then this meat is still sitting in your stomach undigested.
As we have cut out meat in our detox,we should not have this problem...
You can drink as much green tea during the day as you wish. However, if you have problems with high blood pressure or heart problems, you may wish to look at how much caffeine you consume daily. Green tea not only has cleansing benefits, it also has thermojetic benefits. What is this I hear you ask, well it has benefits of raising the body temperature slightly which in turn switches on your metabolism and speeds it which in turn burns body fat.
Exercise is also another way to raise your metabolism, and once raised can keep working for a few hours afterwards.
Day 3 of our challenge is tomorrow. Keep drinking lots of water, go for long walks or exercise 30 -45minutes at least 4 days of the week.
Catch you tomorrow..
Colette Morris F.R.S.A, SAC Dipl. (Diet & Nutrition)
Nutritionist, Expert Author and Top Producer
email: for a weight loss consultation
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