Saturday, 13 April 2013

What Is In The Visalus Shakes?

 I have been asked what are some of the benefits of the Visalus Shakes and Products compared to eating FOOD!

Here are some of my thoughts....  They are only my representations and not that of the company.

If you want to see what is in the Visalus shake mix click here:

The shake mix provides complete nutrition—fast. A shake can be made and blended in under a minute!   Healtheir than a drive through fast food meal... Less calories too.

- Helps control your appetite as it is high in protein which stop the 'snacky' feelings you normally have.

- Provides bone-healthy calcium, which is important for all ages, especially for us women as we get older.  We don't like to admit it be we have to get old some day... but we can still stay healthy.

- Provides heart healthy, low fat protein.

- Helps promote & maintain lean muscle mass.

- Supports protein digestion and nutrient absorption.

- Helps support healthy energy levels.

- Provides fibre benefits for health protection

Each protein has been specially processed to remove fat, remove lactose, and remove carbohydrates.

 In addition, we have processed the soy to remove the isoflavones, so there is no estrogenic affect.

The “shake mix that tastes like a cake mix™” is hard to beat.

Try your own taste test!

Look at the comparison chart and see how other shakes use more salt, fat and sugar.

To your dieting success! 

Colette Morris SAC Dipl. (Diet &Nutrition)
LFGC Founder

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